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Media Representation
An NaharL'Orient Le JourCommerce Du LevantNounJamalouki cedar wings  
Language evolves in parallel with social practice. This is how the word "r�gie", French for "media representative", has taken on new meaning and weight in the local and regional media and advertising scenes as a direct result of the work and achievements of one media representation group in specific; namely, that of Antoine Choueiri.

The Choueiri Group began its journey alongside the print media. Many shifts and additions in both companies and represented publications occurred over the years.

In 1986, the Group started representing An-Nahar, the number one daily in Lebanon, and L'Orient Le Jour , the sole Lebanese French-speaking daily, through Pressmedia. As-Safir Lebanese daily joined the Group through R�giemedia in 1992.

As far as magazines are concerned, in 1998 Pressmedia began representing Noun, the Lebanese women's monthly, and
Commerce du Levant, the Lebanese French-speaking economic monthly.

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